Halloween Safety Month

If you're like most people, you probably look forward to Halloween every year. It's a time when you can dress up in costumes, enjoy festive treats, and spend time with friends and family. Although Halloween can be a lot of fun, it's important to keep safety in mind. This is especially true when it comes to contact lenses. Costume contact lenses can be a fun way to change your look for Halloween, but it's important to take precautions to avoid eye infections or other complications. In order to ensure that your October is safe and enjoyable, here are some tips for using costume contact lenses during Halloween.

Halloween contacts, also known as special-effect, cosplay, or costume contacts, are soft contact lenses made for costume and novelty use. Halloween contacts are used for changing the color of the middle segment of the eye (iris) and sometimes the outer segment of the eye (sclera) with an opaque coating. Halloween contacts are available in both prescription and nonprescription (plano) formats.

Despite Halloween contacts being available in nonprescription, they are considered a medical device and require a valid prescription from a licensed eye care provider. Halloween contacts require precise measurements to guarantee they will fit properly and avoid hurting your eyes in both the long and short term.

Failure to obtain a prescription or purchase over-the-counter Halloween contacts could cause painful symptoms, including pain, red eyes, blurry vision, lenses falling out, and lenses getting stuck in the eyes. Some of the worst cases include abrasions or ulcers on the cornea, bacterial infections, vision loss, and blindness.

Here are some practical tips to ensure your Halloween fun doesn’t get interrupted by eye problems.

Get a prescription from a licensed eye care practitioner – Your eye care practitioner will take precise measurements of your eye so your Halloween contacts will fit your eyes properly. • Purchase your contacts from a reputable vendor – This will ensure your Halloween contacts will fit your eyes correctly and are created with safe materials. Ask your eye care practitioner for reputable vendor recommendations.
Follow all instructions – Follow your eye doctor’s instructions carefully to confirm you’re using the Halloween contacts correctly.
Be wary of symptoms – If you experience any symptoms such as pain, redness, or blurry vision, stop wearing your Halloween contacts immediately.
Never share your contacts with friends – Not only will your Halloween contacts probably not fit your friend’s eyes, but you are also spreading harmful bacteria!

Halloween contact lenses can be a lot of fun, but it’s important to take some precautions to avoid any eye infections or other complications. Make sure you schedule your appointment today and browse our selection of spooky contacts! We can’t wait to see your new look.

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